Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Editing The Commercial

During the past two days, we were supposed to edit our commercial. We will have about two days to edit. This included editing the whole video, filming voiceovers, and making sure it’s perfect. Unfortunately, the computers we have are very old and don’t work. The desktop I’m currently using is from 2008. Any computer or technological device older than about five years, always glitches and is very slow. The computer next to me doesn’t connect to the Internet. This is just an example of how slow the computers we have are. Luckily for us, Ms. Cats is working with administration to get us new computers. It’s very frustrating trying to edit and get things in by the due date when the devices we need are not working. This class, media studies, uses computers on a daily basis so not having computers would be very detrimental to our grade and to our final exam. (11)

When we were starting to edit, the first thing we had to do was get our footage from the camera/SD card to the computer. This was perfect and we were smooth sailing. When we tried to open pinnacle studios, the app wouldn’t even open. The app said there needs to be a username and password. Emiliano tried to put in his Identification Number and password, but that didn’t work. The Identification Number and password is what we use to log into all computers so when that didn’t work, we were very surprised. We called Ms. Cats over and she was able to use her username and password to log into pinnacle. We assumed from here we would be able to edit with no other problems. (8)

Then, the footage couldn’t import from the computer desktop to pinnacle studios. Emiliano tried many different ways to try and import the footage, but he wasn’t able to do it. Me, Katherine, and Andrew also tried to import the footage but that didn’t work either. We called Ms. Cats over to try and do it. She tried many different ways, including ways she didn’t teach us. She was trying to drag and drop the footage from the desktop to pinnacle studios. Usually that works, but unfortunately for us it wasn’t. After trying many different ways, Ms. Cats found out that it wasn’t working and so were a lot of the other computers of students were using. When Ms. Cats found out that almost all the computers weren’t working, she told us to all to stop trying to edit and to start blogging. She said she would talk to administration for us to get a spare computers that actually work. We can’t be in a technology type of class having computers that don’t work when that will be used every single day. Even though a couple of the computers work, Ms. Cats decided that it would be best if we were on the same page of the process. (12)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Filming Blog

After many days of preparing for our commercial, we finally filmed it. Since our commercial was for the company Gatorade, each group member had to bring in a product. I went to the store and bought the energy bars we were going to use while we were filming. Another group member brought in the Gatorade drink and chewables that would be used in other scenes. This allowed us to all pay around the same amount. Whichever actor used the product was the one that brought it. Katherine brought the drink because that's what she was using during her scenes. During the whole filming process, I had a lot of different jobs. This included the actor and director. My main job was to film with the camera. During the whole process, we all had different jobs that needed to be done in order for our commercial to be the best it could be.

One of my jobs, like I said before, was to direct. To direct, I had to put everyone into their places of how it would be filmed. Directing was a lot of fun for me because I was able to be a part of the decision of how the final product will look. Putting the actors in their places and telling them what moves to do allowed my creativity to truly come out. For example, one of my group members, Andrew had to do a scene where he was stretching. As the director, I had to make sure I told him where to stand and how "big" we wanted the stretches. If he was doing them weakly, I was in charge of telling him to do them with more emphasis. During the process, I found out that I actually really enjoy being a director. I'm not that creative of a person and I think that being a director allowed me to explore my creative side more.

My main job was to film. Part of this job was signing out and in the camera equipment, including the tripod, camera, and sd card. Another big part of my job was being in charge of making sure that wherever someone was looked good, in terms of light and position. If the shadow didn't look good or there were people in the background, as filmer and director, I had to tell them where to be in order to get the perfect shot. For our first scene, I had to go from a low angle and tilt the camera up. Being the main filmer, I had to get on the ground and decide if we wanted the silhouette effect the angle was giving us and if not we'd have to change the angle. Emiliano also filmed with me and we were able to figure out exactly where the camera had to be held for our perfect shot.

My final job was to be an actor. Unfortunately, one of our group members didn't bring their athletic clothes and the scene would have looked ridiculous if he was working out in business clothes. Luckily for us, Katherine happened to bring another workout shirt so I changed into that. We had to change the workout a little, but it won't change the overall outcome of the commercial. The workout I did was a gymnastics skill, instead of throwing a football like we had planned.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Today’s media class was used to storyboard. The point of our storyboard is to know what we will film before we go out to the field. When going out the to the field, all we take is our storyboard paper and our camera. A storyboard is used for everything you watch, whether that’s commercials, a music video, a movie, or more. Without a storyboard, when it’s finally time to film, it would be hard to go out without some sort of previous direction. In order to prepare our story board, we watched how the Toy Story storyboard was made. We also drew a previous storyboard in order to practice and make our commercial storyboard perfect. When drawing a story board, you are not supposed to write a script. The storyboard is used just to show how you are filming using camera angles and movements. Our story board is going to be made up of six different scenes each equaling up to 30 seconds all together.
Our first scene is going to be a girl running on a track. This scene will be a tilt from her shoes all the way up to her face. This will be shot from a low angle to show her power and the intensity of the scene. The next scene is a boy getting ready to throw a football. This scene will also be a long shot to show that to throw a football you have to have your full body into it. The next scene of the commercial will be a boy stretching, he’s about to do push-ups. This will be a medium shot. It will show from his torso up. His arms will be stretching across one another. These three scenes will be intense and impactful. The three actors will be preparing to do their activity and hope on winning the competition they’re in.
The next scene of the commercial will be a split screen. The split screen will be eye level and a medium close up. The screen will be split in three different parts. One will have a girl drinking Gatorade, the next will have a boy eating a chewable, and the last one will have a boy eating an energy bar. These are three popular products from the Gatorade company. Eating and drinking these products will give the athletes power and preparation for their competition. The next scene is also a split screen and it will be a long shot. The first box in the split screen will show a girl running and the other two will be black screens. Then the second screen will pop up of a boy throwing a football while the girl is also running. The third screen will pop up and you will see the girl running, the boy throwing a football, and the other boy doing push-ups. The last scene of our commercial will be a title screen that will read “Gatorade.” Our storyboard and commercial will show that the products consumed gave power to the athletes. With this power, they were able to win and complete their competitions.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

For today’s media class, we learned all about the editing process. This included learning about the camera, camera procedure, tripods, and the editing process. We had to learn the basics of the camera so we weren’t confused during filming. The first thing we learned was that the camera we are using turns on as soon as the screen is flipped open. The screen is touch screen and can be turned around all the way in order for the actors and director to see the screen. The tripods we use have about 3 different settings, short, medium, and of course the tallest one. The neck is also able to be lifted using a crank, making the camera even taller. Tripods are used so the camera doesn’t have to be hand held and shaky. They also allow for high and low angles to be shot easier and “cleaner.” The last thing we learned about was that the SD card has to be put in the camera. The SD card is not already in the camera, like many people think.

For the class, we also learned about the editing process. We will be using the software “Pinnacle” on our computers. To start the process we have to put all footage in the camera/SD card onto the computer. This is called “dumping” and the footage is put specifically on the desktop, rather than just on the computer. We do this by going to DCIM on the SD folder in the computer. If we can’t find it there, we can also look in the AVCHD folder, which will have everything but will be harder to find. In this folder we press “Stream” and all the footage will be there. You select however many films of footage you have and drag it over to the “Media Studies” folder you previously put on your desktop. When you click on the “Pinnacle” software, you have to import all the footage. “Importing” is when you put all the footage you have into the software and computer that you are using. 

Now we finally moved on to how to actually edit in the software. The first thing we do is to of course import all the footage. To start this, we go to file and select “New Movie.” You click the word “Import” on the top right corner of the software and press the check mark next to the word “desktop.” If you select the right folder, all the raw footage will be pop up and all you have to do is check everything that needs to be imported. All of the footage must be dragged, in the right order, onto AV track 2. The other 2 tracks, AV track 1 and AV track 3, are used for titles and music. To put a title onto the footage, you have to select the T on the left side of the computer. This allows you to write the title you want and change the font, size, color, placement, and more. You can also delete footage. To do this, you hit the razor blade once and make sure the orange box is around the part you want to delete. Hitting delete will remove the footage and right clicking will allow you to choose from speeding, slowing, or reversing the footage. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Planning Blog for Gatorade Commercial

For today's media studies class, we had to plan out our commercial. We will be filming a Gatorade commercial, but it will not be similar to or copying similar sports drinks commercials. Our group decided on the props, location, backup plan, and more of what we will be using for the commercial. We have a vision of how the commercial will be executed and edited, and with our plan, hopefully it will come alive.

For props, athletes will each have different items in their surroundings that contribute to their training/exercise. General props that could be used in any situation would include towels used to wipe off sweat, a watch to time speed, a bag that would be assumed to contain sports equipment, and any actual equipment that would be needed to clearly demonstrate the message. After brainstorming for how our Gatorade commercial should be set up, my group has decided that there would be different elements that would accentuate the concept that Gatorade improves athletic performance and refreshes those who consume it. Gatorade is a company that produces multiple products and we’d like to promote three of them to highlight variety. Furthermore, the essential props needed for the commercial would be the three different Gatorade products being the sports drink, chewables, and an energy bar that each athlete would eat after their exercise.

As for costumes, the three athletes presented would be wearing fitness clothing that allows them to be comfortable as they train. The clothing is meant to be conventional to show that anyone is able to exercise without feeling pressurized into fitting into any “stereotypes” where clothes need to fit specific measurements, or shoes need to have a brand, or that without talent, one cannot succeed. The diverse clothing is meant to stimulate that message and produce a feeling of inclusion that would be remembered when one thinks of Gatorade. Additionally, vibrant colors may be used to contrast the athlete from the environment and ensure that he/she stands out.

  • 10/11/2019- We created the planning blog pertaining to everything that we need to have in the commercial, such as props and costumes as well as timing and places in which we are going to shoot the film.
  • 10/15/2019- We are going to create the storyboard for our commercial, finish it that day and get it approved as well. From there, we want to move on and potentially start recording. 
  • 10/22/2019- We are going to start recording on this day. We are going to make our way to the track and begin shooting our scenes with our actors, props, and costumes.
  • 10/24/2019- We are going to edit our video and make our blog explaining our editing process and what each member did to contribute to that process. 

This commercial is to be filmed during 9:20am to 10:50am where sunlight is normally plentiful and strong, which would allow for better clarity. All athletes would be exercising on the track. One would be running, another would be throwing a football, and another would be doing doing a push up. The person who is running will be doing so on the actual track. The person throwing a football will be doing so in the center of the football field. The person doing the push ups will be doing so on the track near the shed. 

In the case where the weather of the day that the commercial is being filmed is stormy, the scenes would most likely be filmed on concrete under metal roofs where rain is not a conflict. However, if weather permits and there is light rain, the athletes can proceed to train on the track. Many times, when commercials are filmed under tough circumstances, such as rain, it motivates the audience and shows them that one can persist even the strongest of forces. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research Convention and Codes

The commercial that our group decided to do is for the promotion of Gatorade. In most Gatorade commercials, you have athletes training or doing sports. The Gatorade usually refreshes the athlete and is implied to influence his/her good performance after a long and extraneous workout. The Gatorade bottle is usually full and can be multiple different colors depending on what they're trying to sell. The bottle is normally wet from condensation to add to the feeling of refreshment to the product. Gatorade also sells energy bars and chewables, which provides a variety of products for athletes to choose from.
Usually, a Gatorade commercial has bright lighting if it's outside or dim lighting if it's in a gym to highlight the athlete and the product. It's either in a gymnasium or outside on a field. There is usually a crowd in the background making noise to add to the environment of the scene. The athlete takes a break from his exercise to consume the product and then comes back into his exercise renewed and refreshed or consumes Gatorade after a won competition to provide a reasoning for a great performance.
Overall, the main message of any Gatorade commercial is to ensure that the audience is aware that Gatorade can essentially better any athletic accomplishment.

Conventions of Gatorade commercials:
  • Athletes 
  • Workout materials
  • Track
  • Gym
  • Bright lighting 
  • Dim lighting
Image result for light blue gatorade

Image result for gatorade products

Image result for gatorade protein bar

Friday, October 4, 2019

Introductory Blog

Hi guys! My name is Amy and I'm in 10th grade at a school in Fort Lauderdale. I have a pretty good life. I live with my mom, sister, dad, and dog. My nana comes over to my house and makes us food every Thursday. My cousins, aunts, and uncles also come over to chill, eat, and sometimes dance. My sister is 4 years younger than me. She just started middle school, so cute. My cousins are my best friends, one is my age and one is 2 years older than me. I also have my baby (not actually mine) who is my favorite cousin. She's 6 and my whole world. My mom is my best friend and she inspires me everyday. I definitely have a great family life.

I am the class of 2022 secretary and dealing with the people in my class is a headache. They're hard to work with and hopefully we raise a lot of money for senior year, or else our senior packages will be close to $1000. We have to make shirts but no one can agree on anything so we'll see what ends up happening. I'm also in book club and hopefully I'm going to join key club. I volunteer at the Jewish Community Center with their special needs program on Sundays and I love it. Working with special needs kids is one of my passions and I'm so excited to do it when I'm older. I want to be a pediatric occupational therapist, for now, and I already know it's going to be so much fun. I'm going to shadow a occupational therapist over spring break and I couldn't be happier.

Whenever I have free time, I love hanging with my friends, reading, skateboarding, and more. I just got into long boarding and I love doing it. Long boarding while listening to the Beatles calms me so much, especially when I'm stressed. The Beatles are amazing and I wish I could see them in concert. I'm Jewish and my favorite types of books are Holocaust books. I think it's so interesting to learn about my history and I think we owe it to the people that died to know what happened to them. Whenever I make plans with my friends, we mostly just hang out (we're all sort of cheap!). I have four best friends and I couldn't live without them. They're my rocks and without them I wouldn't be where I am today.

Well, see you another day! Bye!