Unlike "Secret Obsession," in this movie there wasn't a large range of editing techniques used. After watching the complete movie, I noted that there were only a select amount of editing techniques used that would be repeated and replicated in the remaining scenes. Such techniques include jump cuts, cutaways, eye-line matchs, and action matches. The most common technique used similiar to most crime movies was cross cutting. This allows the audience to see what is happening to both the criminals and the innocent with two different scenes that are occurring at the same time. This movie also used a couple of sounds. Like most movies, there was dialogue, diegetic and non-diegetic sound present. However, this movie also had incidental sound and ambient sound. At one point, no sound was used to accentuate the importance of a lamp falling down in the near future which would alert the robbers.
There were both elements that I liked and disliked in this film. I believe one element, not commonly used in crime movies, were the allusions to certain things such as Edgar Allen Poe and the Titanic. These allusions incorporated some relationship between the audience and the characters since it helped me personally better understand what the characters were doing or thinking. Another element that I liked was that the movie began with incidental sound right away. This made me gain interest immediately on what was going to happen in the future. An element that was commonly used in this movie that I didn't like so much were the scenes that were supposed to create tension but actually made me bored. Such aprts included conversations that would've been better if they got to the point faster. In these scenes, the directors decided to make it longer than necessary making the situation last for a while and this led to multiple scenes that were dull.
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