We decided it would be easiest to do my scenes first, then Katherine's, and then Aitan's. We wanted to do Aitan's last because we wanted to give the camera enough time to charge before we went outside, this was before we knew we had an extension cord. The first thing we filmed was a shoe scene. To show that Aitan was my assistant, he picked out my shoes for me and I was pleased with what he picked. To prepare, we had to set a lot of shoes out and choose which ones we wanted. After we were done, we had to put all the shoes back organized so my mom wouldn't think the house was a mess. The next thing I filmed was a lipstick scene, where I had to get out a lipstick and put it on. We then zoomed into a nearby alarm clock and when we zoomed out, it was Katherine's scene, where she was putting on chapstick. This was able to show that as two different people with varying lives, we lived similar lives and did mirroring things.
We then had to film Katherine and I's dance scene. She was jamming out in her room and I was performing to a crowd. We both had lights but mine looked more like stage lights then hers. We had to figure out the exact timing in order to sing the perfect lyrics. In the next scene, we're doing mirroring moves and singing. This adds to the "mirroring lives" affect we were trying to uphold in our music video. The last scene we filmed was the car scene. I had to move my dad's truck so we could get a clear view of the car Aitan was driving. We had to film this scene a few times because we all forgot that when you leave a car, you have to close the door. We wanted to make the scene as realistic as possible. During this filming day, we got a lot done even with all of our complications.
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