The first thing I did was download the music. I had to go to YouTube and find the song. Since there are different variations and videos on YouTube, I had to find the exact one that we used to plan. If I didn't do that, the sound could have been off by a few seconds. After finding the video, I had to go to another tab and search up YouTube to Mp3. If I used a website that was Mp4, I would download the whole video instead of just the sound. I found a link that worked with the school WiFi and copied the YouTube video link to the Mp3 downloader website. It converted and I pressed download and I had to drag the downloaded file onto my desktop. In order to get the sound onto the editing software, I had to import it like we imported the other files and videos we had taken. I imported from the desktop to the software using drag and drop.
Then before adding the audio, I had to detach the previous audio. What this means is I had to get rid of all the audio off of the filmed videos. To do this, I had to put the downloaded music onto AV track 2. I then muted the vision on the video of the 2nd AV track. I muted the first track so the 2nd track audio would go over it. Doing this made it so the sounds did not overlap and you only heard the song, not the sounds during the filmed videos.
My last job was to add transitions. I did this by right clicking the scenes we wanted transitions between. I then clicked "In Transitions" and added the cross dissolve transition for all the ones we wanted. These transitions allowed for our music video to look smoother.
Before writing this blog, I also realized that they don't have to be as serious as I was making them. I hope you enjoy the new titles and added information. See you on the flip side :)
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