Thursday, October 15, 2020

Short Film vs Feature Length Film

In my opinion, I liked the feature film better than the short film. It gave more explanation to things so it cleared up some things from the short film. For example, when I saw the short film, I was confused as to what the neon green dolls were. The feature film was able to clear up my confusion. It showed what they were and how they were different from the regular dolls. I also liked that we got to see more characters in the feature film. It showed that teamwork was needed to help save the planet. The feature film was less confusing because there was more time to explain things. I also loved a lot of the extra characters. This helped enhance the film because I saw more characters that I loved and watched them develop. Watching the characters developing, you also saw the plot develops. Also, all the characters from the feature film were able to save the planet from both the short and feature film. Another plus of the feature film was more action. My heart rate was pumping because there was so much action and I was worried about the dolls. The suspense and action made the feature film better because I felt more into it. The short film did, however, show more character development of the main character than the feature film. The short film showed him go from timid to brave. In the feature film, we only see his brave side. Although, where the feature film lacked in 9's character development, it shined in other characters' development. I did not like either at first, but they definitely grew on me as I got further into the film. 

Research 9, the feature film

Like the short film, at first glance, I did not like this film and when I started it, I was very negative about it. I was under the impression I was not going to like it because of negative things I've heard from other people. I thought the dolls were weird and I had never heard of the film, so I assumed it was bad. It was wrong of me to make that assumption because I actually ended up liking it. Also, 9 is adorable! I liked that the film was not too dark and dreary. I was worried the film was going to be very dark but there were actually some beautiful scenes with a pinkish sky. My favorite characters were 5, 6, 7, and 9. I loved how determined 9 was to save everybody. Even when his friends doubted him, he kept going. He'll do anything to save his friends and he definitely proved that. I think the film shows 9's personality wonderfully. 5 was a great side character and best friend. 5 would never let 9 go alone even when he was doubtful and scared. My favorite of all of them was 7. I love that she was a woman fighter. The fact that they made her a woman showed she didn't need a man to save her. Instead, she was saving the men, most of the time. I also loved 6 because I thought he was very smart. His advice helped 9 figure out what to do and without him, there wouldn't have been such a happy ending. Speaking of the ending, I think it tied the movie together very nicely. We got to see a happy ending and everybody coming together. We also got to see 1's character development. He started off scared and not willing to die and towards the end we saw him sacrifice himself to save everybody. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Research 9, the short

I watched the short film 9, which was later was made into a full-length film. If we're being honest, I did not really like this film. It was kind of weird and I didn't really get it at first. The short film kind of reminds me of the Pixar movie Wall-E because it looks like it takes place in the same setting. I noticed that the film takes place from the perspective of 9, for the most part. Sometimes, however, it shows the perspectives of other characters. For example, at one point we see what the monster, spider-type thing is looking at. This is interesting to me and I liked that because I hate when we only see one perspective. I think seeing another character's point of view allows us to see more of the film. We see 9 becoming more and more scared as he becomes alone after the monster killed his friend. Although he is frightened, we see him outsmart the monster. His friend, before he died, tried to protect 9 and didn't let 9 go in front of the monster. Once 9 is alone, he has to learn to protect himself. This shows that he learns to protect himself and even ends up killing the monster. His character development shows him starting off as timid, and then becoming brace as he has to protect himself. I liked the special effects a lot. I liked how in the end the dead characters are glowing and the numbers are not attached to them. I think this was a cool way to show the difference between dead and alive characters. Although I did not like the film from first glance, it grew on me. I liked the character development and I liked how the good guy won and got to see his friend one last time. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genre choice for film

We had a couple of options for what genre we wanted to label our short film as. There was LGBT+, comedy, and romance. We took enough time to research all of them thoroughly. We went through all of the common aspects of each. We were able to immediately rule out one of the genres. The comedy one didn't necessarily fit with the vision that we have for the short film. We were able to break down the ideas and compare them to the other two options. We considered the romance genre for a while because of the love triangle that is shown. While it is a very present part of the film, we didn't want it to take away from the message. We had to step back and look at the bigger picture. We want it to stand for all the LGBT+ teens that could use support. We felt that the LGBT+ genre was most fitting for our film. We believe the pitch is great as it is. It provides the audience to the LGBT+ aspect, along with setting the tone for it as a teen film. It stamps it as a tool that can be used for guidance. This piece will have the beautiful blend of giggles and tears that is so desired in coming of age movies. We could not be more excited to continue this journey as amateur filmmakers. This class has introduced us to the passion we have for promoting love through a screen. We are so ready to begin the process to do just that. 

Genre Research- LGBTQ+, comedy, and romance

Some examples, CAMS in the LGBTQ+ genre, for costumes the characters usually wear modern clothes. this is because they are usually set in present day. Some common angles in this genre usually. With movements, this genre usually has tilts, pans, zooms, and tracking shots. Sounds of this genre include music from either LGBTQ+ artists or music about sexuality. The Mis-en-scene usually is influenced by mood or tone. The lighting is usually adjusted to reflect how the character(s) is feeling. With clothing, movies in this genre can show character progression through how they express themselves with their clothes. The editing in this genre is pretty standard, there is more emphasis on drama. An example from this genre is Love Simon. Some elements I like about this genre the chemistry between the actors can be really good, and the movies can be really representative of the community. An element I don't really like is that some of these can be very stereotypical. For Comedy, some examples of CAMS is that some of the clothes can be very goofy. Angles can range from being normal, or being really expressive. movies in this genre usually have tilts, pans, zooms, and tracking shots. Music in this genre is usually goofy. Mis en scene usually has an emphasis on keeping things entertainingly funny. An example of this genre is WaterBoy. An element I like is that I can get a lot of enjoyment out of these movies. An element I don't like is that these movies can be a bit too childish. For romance, examples of CAMS are the characters usually wear modern clothes. this is because they are usually set in present day. Some common angles in this genre usually. With movements, this genre usually has tilts, pans, zooms, and tracking shots. Sounds of this genre include music about love. Mis en Scene scenes are usually influenced by mood or tone. The lighting is usually adjusted to reflect how the character is feeling. With clothing, movies in this genre can show character progression through how they express themselves with their clothes. The editing in this genre is pretty standard, there is more of emphasis on drama. An example from this genre is The Notebook. An element I like is that movies of this genre can be really touching. An element I don't like is that these movies can be unbearably corny and tend to get repetitive.